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Need to create a new account? No problem!
You can sign up for a new account below...all you need is a valid email account!

Create New Account

Forgot Your Password?

You can request to have a link to change your password sent to the email address you used when you set up your account.
Click on the following link to have it sent to you right away:

Send Password Change Link to My Login Email Account

Forgot Your Login Email Address?

You can request to have your login email address sent to you or have it changed to a new address. We will need you to submit some information to verify your identity, such as your name, serial number(s), dates of purchase, etc.
Click on the following link to request help with finding or changing your email address login:

Help Me Find My Login Email Address

"The Studio Devil can do lower gain stuff which is so hard to get, not just in plugins but in anything other than a real tube amp. Transistor amps and modelers never pull this off right to me, but Studio Devil does."

- Studio Devil User