Create New Account

control = Creating a Studio Devil account enables you to download demos, activate your products, receive special offers and announcements, and more! To apply for a new account, simply fill out the required fields below and click Create Account.

A valid email account is required and will be used for account validation. Once you submit this form, you will receive an email from us with instructions and a link to validate your new account.

When choosing a password, know that they are case sensitive, must be between 4 and 64 characters in length, and can only contain letters and numbers.

email: *required
password: *required
confirm password: *required
Yes, I want to receive email notifications from Studio Devil

first name:
last name:
address 1:
address 2:
postal code:

"It sounds simply incredible! All I can say is...this is the best tube amp modelling I've ever heard. It's just...delicious is the right term."

- Studio Devil User

"VGA II is so much product for so little money, and it's wrapped up in a delightfully streamlined and intuitive interface."

- Computer Music Magazine

"Guys...the demo's are excellent...literally better than EVERYTHING I have ever heard come from ANY other sim...I'm serious."

- Studio Devil User